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ZK Provable Data Privacy Solution for Decentralized Applications

We are on a mission to build a solution that makes it easy for developers to implement best practices, best-of-breed data security and privacy.

Strategic Backing:

Binance Labs Logo
web3 foundation
Binance Labs Logo
web3 foundation
Encrypted NFT NuLinkEncrypted Medical DataEncrypted data

A smarter approach to securing sensitive data

Who should hold the key to sensitive data?

We believe the owners of sensitive data should be the ones controlling access to it regardless of where it is stored. Whether it is your health records or NFTs, we enable you to encrypt data and easily share access to it.

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NuLink focus and value

Out of the box

Out of the box

We are creating an out-of-the-box solution that makes it easy for developers to implement best practices encryption.

Endpoint encryption

Encrypt data immediately at the endpoint and decentralize its storage. Not even you – as the creator of the decentralized application – will be able to access users’ sensitive data.

Endpoint encryption
Access control

Access control

With NuLink you can implement access control through cryptographic technologies such as PRE/ABE. Access can be granted with limited time, different authentication methods, policies, and so on.

Enterprise-level security

for developers, startups,

small business and


The NuLink technology platform consists of blockchain, access control (Proxy Re-Encryption, Attribute-Based Encryption) and secure computation (Zero-Knowledge Proof, Secure Multi-party Computation, Fully Homomorphic Encryption) as its technical core. It provides enterprise-level data sharing and computation services.

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