How to Use the NuLink Agent? - Complete Step-by-Step Guide

The NuLink Agent has many great features. In this complete guide, we will explain step-by-step how you can effectively use the most important ones. From uploading and transferring files to receiving funds, applying for files, approving requests and downloading files. Let’s get started!

How to Upload?

Storing a file via NuLink Agent is really simple. To do so, you just need to upload it via the Agent. Go to the Agent and follow these steps: 

To begin, let's open the “File Transfer Dapp” that incorporates NuLink Agent.

Click the “Agent” button to connect NuLink Agent.


  1. Click the "Upload file" option in the Agent.
  2. Choose your file by either dragging and dropping it into the upload box or clicking the "Upload file" button and selecting it from your computer. 

Side note: the NuLink Agent accepts a variety of formats such as JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4, DOC, XLS and PDF and it does accept files over 5MB.

  1. Click the "Confirm and Upload" button to initiate the file transfer.

Congratulations! You have successfully encrypted uploaded files through NuLink Agent. No one including NuLink can view your files without your authorization.

How to Transfer?

You can also use the NuLink Agent to transfer tokens. This is how you do that:

  1. Look for the "Send" button and click on it to navigate to the transfer page.
  2. Choose the token you want to transfer.
  3. Enter the address you want to send tokens to.
  4. Enter the amount you want to send or use the "Transfer all" option to send the entire balance at once.
  5. Click the "Confirm and transfer" button.

Congratulations! You have successfully transferred funds.

How to Receive?

Just like you can transfer your tokens to someone else, you can also receive tokens from someone else. If you want to receive tokens through the Agent, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Receive" button.
  2. Your account address will now be displayed. This is the address you can receive funds on.
  3. Additionally, a QR code will be generated, which contains your account address. 
  4. If someone wants to send you funds, simply provide them with your account address or show them the QR code. They can then use this information to transfer the funds to you.

Congratulations! The other party can now transfer funds to you.

How to Apply?

If you want to see someone else’s files that are stored in the NuLink Agent, you need to apply for access. Here’s how you do that:

To begin, let's open the “File Transfer Dapp” that incorporates NuLink Agent.

Click the “Agent” button to connect NuLink Agent.


  1. Go to the file.
  2. Click the "Request the file" button and click on it to initiate the application process.
  1. Enter the desired number of days for which you want to apply for the file and click the "Submit" button to submit your application.
  1. The Agent will be called up for file application authorization. This step involves reviewing the relevant information of the file, including the file name, owner address, requester address, source URL and requested days.
  2. Click the "Confirm" button to authorize the file application.
  1. The file status will change to "pending".

Congratulations! You have successfully applied for the file. You now have to wait for the other party to accept or deny your request.

How to Approve?

If someone else applies to see your files, you can choose to either approve or deny that application. This is how you approve it: 

To begin, let's open the “File Transfer Dapp” that incorporates NuLink Agent.

Click the “Agent” button to connect NuLink Agent.


  1. Look for the "Review request" button and click on it to view the application details.
  1. Once you have reviewed the application, click the "Submit" button to proceed with the approval.
  1. The Agent authorization page will appear, displaying relevant information about the application. This information includes the addresses of both parties, the source URL, the calling method, the gas fee and the service fee.

  1. Click the "Confirm" button to proceed with the payment and approve the application.
  1. The file status will change to "Approved".

Congratulations! You have successfully approved the file application. The applicant will automatically be notified of the approval.

How to Download?

If you have applied for access to someone else’s files and the application has been approved, you can choose to download them. Here is how you do that:

  1. On the file page, you will see that the application has been approved.
  2. Locate the "Download now" button and click on it. Since the file is encrypted, an Agent authorization decryption page will be prompted first.
  1. On the decryption page, you will see relevant information about the request, including the file name, owner's address, applicant's address and source URL.

  1. Click the "Confirm" button to initiate the decryption authorization process.

  1. Once the decryption is complete, a prompt will appear, asking whether you want to proceed with the download. Click the "Confirm" button to proceed with the download.
  1. You will be redirected to a third-party page specifically for downloading the file. You will see a message confirming that the file has been successfully downloaded to your local machine via the browser.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded the file. 

Useful links: 

NuLink Agent:

File Transfer DApp (incorporates NuLink Agent) :

About NuLink: 



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