NFTs Privacy Concerns and Nulink Unique Solutions for it

Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) are digital assets stored on a blockchain each having unique identification codes or addresses which distinguish them from each other

Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) are digital assets stored on a blockchain each having unique identification codes or addresses which distinguish them from each other. NFTs exist in the form of digital files such as pictures, audio, videos or anything in digital form. NFTs are different from other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum because they cannot be traded or exchanged at equal price. 

According to a research published by BNP Paribas, NFTs transactions were worth more than $17 Billion in 2021. The market saw a huge increase in the NFTs no.of transaction & its volume as compared to last year. 

NFT ledgers provide claims to public proof of ownership but it doesn’t restrict anyone to share or copy the underlying digital files. It also cannot prevent the further creation of NFTs with identical files and there are several NFTs theft incidents that have happened. But what if we could keep our NFTs private, secure & have the authority to give its access to very few identical persons.

Nulink has a unique solution for the NFT market. The first solution is for Encrypted NFTs trading market. Through Nulink technology; In order to conduct secure NFT trading, the transaction is divided into two parts, the payment and the transfer of NFT ownership need to be completed on a chain. The NFT transmission needs to be completed synchronously and securely under the chain. 

Let’s give an example, Alice first encrypts and uploads its own NFT resources to Nulink Network, through Nulink's proxy re-encryption function, NFT can be safely transmitted to Bob. The encrypted NFT data of Alice and Bob are written to the blockchain by mint operation. This step completes the transfer of NFT ownership on the chain.

The second solution which we have is for NFTs private auctions where you’ve the right to invite or give viewership access to only a selected individual. You can conduct customized private auctions especially for your dedicated fans or special collectors.

Thirdly, we provide the most advanced secure way for art collectors to keep their NFTs. It enables NFT art collectors to encrypt and secure their NFTs. The collector can secure their art and then share access to who they desire. 

Lastly, it also enables NFT owners to encrypt one or several metadata containers for a specific NFT and then grant access. This type of technology and implementation will make it possible for alternative NFT collections containing sensitive data.

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